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Post by B.H. »

I have a question for you. Where in the Prophets is it revealed that you can receive forgiveness of sins simply with sincere repentance without a sacrifice? I know Ezekiel touches on it to some degree with the discussion God had with him about the warner warning and people who turn from sin will live. But there was another prophet that discussed it too and I can't find my concordance. :o

And when I think about it Jesus dying on the cross would violate CENI anyway, since no man was ever ordered to be given as a sacrifice in the Law of Moses anyway, only bulls, goats, birds, and flour and wheat.. It would be like strange fire.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Re: Agricola

Post by agricola »

What does the Lord require of you? Only to do justice and love mercy and walk humbly with your God. That's either Micah or Hosea

Fear not, you shall not be shamed, Do not cringe, you will not be disgraced, for you shall forget the reproach of your youth...for a little while I forsook you, but with vast love I will bring you back...I will take you back with love. Isaiah 54: 4-8 (selections)

Let the wicked give up his ways,the sinful man his plans; let him turn back to the Lord and He will pardon him. Isaiah 56:7
Can't get much clearer than that.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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