Prayer Requests

Share your personal journey of faith, skepticism, or atheism, why you believe in God or trust in science instead. This is a place for SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only, not a place to tell someone their experience and feelings are wrong, or why we disagree with them.
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Prayer Requests

Post by ena »

B.H. wrote:Islam teaches there is no trinity. Allah is one and not three. Jesus was a prophet who was a holy and righteous man as was his mother Mary. Jesus was not deity. The Holy Spirit is a reference not to a third member of some godhead but the angel Gabriel, Jabril in Arabic, who delivered the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammed.
Islam came in 600 CE. It degrades Jesus. This was after the Torah was written. It copies Judaism in many ways. Pork is not halal neither is it kosher. There is no trinity in Judaism. Jesus is a human in total spiritual agreement with god. He has a resurrection body which does not die. His tomb door was was sealed with a steel spike so it could not be rolled back. The spike was broken when the door was rolled back by an angel. Mary Magdalene could not have opened it. The angel probably was Michael a warrior angel. Angels are very strong. This one serves God by personal choice as does Gabriel. The spike was there because because he said he would rise in three days. The Romans sealed it so he could not come out. The broken spike is on the leftside in the wall of the garden tomb. Link below. He can walk though walls as well as walk on water with the help of God. The Bible was codified by 400 CE. Islam is a late comer. There are Torah scrolls older than Islam. There are writings in Christianity older than Islam. The CoC knows nothing of this. Jesus said there would be pretenders to his throne. There have been and will be.

Matthew 24 kjv
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

Christ is messiah in Greek. He describes a battle at the end of the tribulation and the resurrection of the saved. There are two resurrections in revelation. You do not want to be part of the second. Saudi Arabia will become part of Israel ruled by Jesus for one thousand years. The ones that attack Israel are wiped out. Arabia will be filled with Jews and owned by them. Gentile Christians are grafted into the Jewish root. It is something that is fortunate but not a matter of pride. For the broken spike in the wall of the garden tomb see fifth photo. ... _tomb.html
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Re: Prayer Requests

Post by agricola »

Hi ena

This area is a support and agreement area, and your post is critical of Islam - it is, actually, 'okay' to be critical of Islam, but I believe your post is referencing some falsehoods about the faith of Islam, thus giving a biased picture.

Rather than delete it, however, I would like to open this thread up for BH to describe Islam as a follower sees the faith, so he can address some of these common misconceptions and show how, by accepting those and spreading them about, prejudice, bias and sometimes violence can spread.

The original purpose of the 'New Paths' area, was, and still is, a forum for others to LEARN ABOUT other Christian denominations and other faiths.

This is a good opportunity for that original purpose - and if possible, I will see if I can rename it to 'Learn About Islam' instead - or copy to a new thread of that name.

But please - everybody - remember that in the New Paths area, we do NOT ever criticize anybody's newly found amazing faith, even if it's Scientology or JW's or Westboro Baptist. In THIS forum for support and agreement, we just say 'how interesting' and 'what do you do in meetings' or else we follow Thumper's mother's advice:

If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.