Minimum Wage of $15

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Re: Minimum Wage of $15

Post by B.H. »

tarheel wrote:Is everyone just ignoring the reality of a minimum wage? People, it doesn't work.
You will have inflation in the economy for various reasons concerning various products and industries. However, the rich and middle class are making more money so the bite from inflation is not as bad. They are more than likely to get raises and bonuses to cover such costs as well. If the poor did not have the minimum wage to protect them the people they work for to cover the costs of inflation would simply not give them any raises or force them to take even less in wages than they already are earning so as to avoid having to raise prices to their customers. The minimum wage hikes every few years forces their employer to keep their wages up with inflation like everyone else to a point.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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