Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

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Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

Post by KLP »

The New York Times assertion that:
1. Trump invited the Russians to hack into Hillary's unsecure private server that handed classified documents while she was Sec of State.
2. And that Russians acted within hours

Is bogus. It is worse than fake news (which gives everyone the vapors) because this story and assertion is actually Dis-information

Clearly from the indictment that was released and documented why the Russians were arrested clearly shows they were involved in this from at least March 2016.
And by April 2016 they were into the DNC systems.

So this blaming of Trump for this Russian hack due to Trump's joking political bard in July 2016 is plain wrong and unfounded. They govt has released the data and they know how it was done and when it was done, and it was done long before July 2016.

Hillary had already shut down and destroyed her email server and archives in early 2015. So again, by July 2016 there was no Hillary server to hack.
h**p:// ... -33000-em/

So why would such a prestigious organization as the New York Times publish such a charge that it was Trump making a comment in July 2016 that invited and caused the Russians to engage in the hacking...when the NYT knows it was clearly not only in progress but they were already done?

And where is all the hand-wringing over that terrible thing called "fake news" when it is clear that the New York Times story is knowingly false?

So if anyone is really concerned about foreign hacking and security then they ought to be concerned about the mishandling of classified documents by Hillary and the Pakistani IT guy scandal with Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC. But the claim to be concerned about the country, security, or the office of President is just political partisan theater and it is as bogus as the NYT and Dems mud slinging.
Isn't the world wonderful...I am all for rational optimism and I am staying positive.
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Re: Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

Post by B.H. »

KLP I wished you had picked Coffee House because there just isn't enough caffience in tea. :lol:
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Re: Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

Post by teresa »

I deleted my posts on this thread and the responding posts.
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Re: Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

Post by ena »

B.H. wrote:KLP I wished you had picked Coffee House because there just isn't enough caffience in tea. :lol:
Coffee is made darker. If you make tea as dark it has plenty of caffiene.
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Re: Bogus July 27, 2016 Trump Blaming Debunked

Post by ena »

KLP wrote: So if anyone is really concerned about foreign hacking and security then they ought to be concerned about the mishandling of classified documents by Hillary and the Pakistani IT guy scandal with Wasserman-Shultz and the DNC. But the claim to be concerned about the country, security, or the office of President is just political partisan theater and it is as bogus as the NYT and Dems mud slinging.
We have been slinging mud at Presidents since the Nixon administration. Don't get all fired up for it won't stop. There was plenty from the Republicans during the Obama administration. After two years what good does it do to blame Hillary or Obama. Trump needs to run on his own record. From what I see it does not look good. The Russians are hacking the midterm elections the solution is expensive and subject to abuse by our own government. Make internet portals for all services entering the USA. Allow nothing with the .USA stamp to leave or enter the country. You could add a .DEM and .REP for email servers with same type of thing. Ena's Law is that every solution generates at least two problems. Murphy's Law is a corollary to ENA's Law. For this reason the more solutions you create the more problems you generate. God has this problem too on a mega scale. Man needed a mate. He made woman. There have been problems ever since. This brings us to the second corollary. Solutions on a mega scale create mega problems. This one is unending. Not tonight Hon I have a headache. It's not your head I am interested in. According to Henry the 8th. It is either the maiden's head or the maiden head. Virgin like balloon. One little [derogatory term] all gone!

Why don't the Dems encrypt the email. It can be done in hardware or software. The best encryption uses a library look up table.

Meet me at Joe's.

Meet = howl
me = you
at = dog
Joe's = bark

Howl you dog bark

Imagine a 2000 word dictionary. Without the dictionary you cannot decode. Computers can make them by the thousands. All you need is the decoding disk. You can use a different one every week. During WWII messages would end with Heil Hitler. The British worked backwards on that one. You had encrypted plain text. I know how encryption keys work. But your eyes would glaze over and they are much more hackable.
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