Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

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Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Pantone505 »

I remember him as tall, good-looking, and popular, kinda quiet I guess. The sort of guy I wouldn't dream of talking to because I wasn't up to his social level. I think he was a club beau. I don't remember him as being any kind of mean or anything. Now he's a relationship guru of sorts, who seems to be a favorite of the "recovering nice guy" set. I am trying and did try to remain neutral about his ideas until I listened to more of his beliefs. I'm beginning to form an opinion but it sure is a 180 from the dude I knew in college, which of course is his right. He sure gets a bang out of telling us how much sex he gets nowadays haha. He talks about his cheating in his first two marriages, not that anything's wrong with that but it adds to my ideas about COC kids being forced into the COC life and marriage before they know what they want for themselves. Sounds like that's what happened to him and I would love to hear from his first wife, if she was a COC'er which she probably was.


He's a guest on this podcast, and outlines his ideas pretty extensively on that. He does touch on being raised as a preacher's kid in a fundamentalist environment but I wish he'd go more into that stuff. There's about 35 or 40 minutes of useless host banter before Dr. Glover gets started:


I wonder just how well he's doing financially based on his book, podcasts, and seminars he gives. It's his business. His main premise seems to be that he was passive-aggressive in the past, based on his past experiences and his self-image, etc., which I am sure many of us can relate to. But I also think it is really easy to be a big shot in another country where one is surrounded by people much less well off, and might tend to cater more toward the American with more money coming in. But judge for yourself. I need to listen to more of his podcasts before I decide for sure how self-serving his big 180 actually has been and how much was due to the COC upbringing and to be expected. I would love to know if his parents shunned him, gave him the "you know the truth" stuff, etc. He didn't give the impression of being low self-esteem in college but I had such low self-esteem anyone else seemed like the pinnacle of social power and success to me. I bet somewhere out there is a Harding Co-Ed whose dreams and hopes of the perfect COC preacher husband were dashed in her 20's. I bet she was a campus leader type, because that's the type who ran in the circles he did, not that anything's wrong with that. I wish he'd do a whole series just on the COC and how it affected him, stuff like that.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Cootie Brown »

I’m following two 40’ish ladies podcast that grew up in the Southern Baptist Church. They’ve been friends since grade school and went to the same church. Their families were friends too and they attended the same church.

One of the ladies left the church soon after graduating from high school, the other lady went to a Southern Baptist College and became a missionary. They are both atheists now and their podcast is about their journey out of religion.

Fact checking various groups dogma was difficult, if not impossible from a practical standpoint, prior to the internet. The internet changed that and the information religion has kept concealed for centuries is easily accessible now. The internet is definitely a game changer for religion, and it undoubtedly is a major contributing factor in religions declining numbers.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Pantone505 »

Sounds good--what's the podcast? thanks.

One of the biggest surprises to me about this Bob Glover nowadays is he seems so woo-woo. In kind of what comes across to me as a little bit smarmy. I'm kind of surprised at that, since he was such a Bible Major of Rectitude and all.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Cootie Brown »

Pantone505 wrote:Sounds good--what's the podcast? thanks.

One of the biggest surprises to me about this Bob Glover nowadays is he seems so woo-woo. In kind of what comes across to me as a little bit smarmy. I'm kind of surprised at that, since he was such a Bible Major of Rectitude and all. is the podcast and their website.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by faithfyl »

I wonder what year he graduated from Harding? I don't remember anyone with that name. I was there in the 80s.

I didn't really read much about him but it seems he teaches people about boundaries and being assertive. Something the C of C wants to suppress.

In general, our society wants people to be nice and passive so they can be walked all over. Lots of people aren't taught to assert their own needs.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Ivy »

Good for him!!
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by Pantone505 »

faithfyl wrote:I wonder what year he graduated from Harding?
Woulda been about '78.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by faithfyl »

Pantone505 wrote:
faithfyl wrote:I wonder what year he graduated from Harding?
Woulda been about '78.
That was before my time.
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Re: Wow this dude was a Bible major at Harding

Post by I believe John 3:17 »

My oldest brother, who would have turned 83 in September, not only was the son of an elder but also managed to get tossed out of Harding...along with another elder's son AND a deacon's son at the same time and ALL three from the same uber fundy congregation.

The stories he told me in the 1970's (when *I* was getting pressured to go there for college ) of how wild some of the Harding "good boys" were even way back then makes me have a "nothing surprises me anymore" attitude when stuff like this comes out. :roll:
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