Good memories?

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Good memories?

Post by HamBiscuit »

What are yours? I'd say we all have at least one.

Mine all involve my grandmother. I'm her namesake and she took the place of my mother. I take more after that woman than anyone in my family. We look identical, too.

One Sunday morning, during the sermon, someone started snoring (or farting, I'm not sure). I was half asleep and my grandmother woke me up because she was doing that silent laugh so hard the pew was shaking (you know what I'm talking about there). She had a boston terrier named Porkchop. She thought that snore or fart or whatever it was sounded like him. She told me "porkchop's in the back" I was about 8 and I started silent laughing. I told dad, he started laughing, then the whole pew was shaking and everyone doing that silent laugh.
Basically the telephone game down the pew. No telling what the last person heard.

My grandmother was that one sassy semi rebellious old lady with conflicting views who'd say "amen" during sermons just to piss people off. Even scolded her grown sons, loudly, in the middle of a restaurant after a sermon about how gay people are going to hell. We were sitting eating and they were talking about it, agreeing with it. She slams her fist down, stands up, and hollers "YOU DONT KNOW THAT I RAISED YOU BETTER HOW DARE YOU". She sat back down and finished her meal. I was about 15 and struggling with that because my best friend was gay. I never bought into that "gays are going to hell because they're gay" bullshit. Turns out, her best friend from college, who she still talked to a few times a year, was gay.

One more thing, the whole reason I still draw is because of her. I mentioned in another post that's how I passed the time, most of the time. She'd always take my pen away. WELL, one time she looked down at what I was drawing, and I just kind of handed her my pen. She shook her head no. So, I kept drawing, whatever. I had finished my drawing by the last song. After church, she looks at it, and it came out as probably the best church drawing I'd ever done. She took it and went around showing it off. It meant more to me than anything anyone has ever said to me, or done for me.

Also, sorry Im posting so much. It's all been coming back hardcore. I mentioned it, but it really is.
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Re: Good memories?

Post by Ivy »

Your grandmother sounds wonderful!!
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: Good memories?

Post by Ivy »

Good memory. I'll try to change the details to protect the innocent.

My parents had a nice group of church friends and they all liked to play 42. Most of them had kids and we'd play together while they
played 42. Good times!!

One New Years eve they had a gathering at a little community center down the road a ways. It was going to be a 42 party and the kids were going to do whatever, play games I guess, in the adjoining room. Room had a door and I think a glass window in the door. Adults were having a blast!! So at some point we kids put on a raucous rock & roll album (vinyl, LP; this was a LONG time ago), turned off the light, and started dancing. Adults were having so much fun in the next room they didn't even notice. LOL!!

A few kids "went forward" after that because what we did was so terrible. :P But as far as I know no one said what we actually did. It was our little secret.
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Re: Good memories?

Post by HamBiscuit »

Ivy wrote:Good memory. I'll try to change the details to protect the innocent.

My parents had a nice group of church friends and they all liked to play 42. Most of them had kids and we'd play together while they
played 42. Good times!!

One New Years eve they had a gathering at a little community center down the road a ways. It was going to be a 42 party and the kids were going to do whatever, play games I guess, in the adjoining room. Room had a door and I think a glass window in the door. Adults were having a blast!! So at some point we kids put on a raucous rock & roll album (vinyl, LP; this was a LONG time ago), turned off the light, and started dancing. Adults were having so much fun in the next room they didn't even notice. LOL!!

A few kids "went forward" after that because what we did was so terrible. :P But as far as I know no one said what we actually did. It was our little secret.
LOL dancing. SHAME ON YOU!!!!

I completely forgot about this, but you reminded me of it: One superbowl a bunch of people got together after church. I was watching the half time show, and everyone else was talking, weren't paying attention. It was the year Janet Jackson had that "wardrobe malfunction". I saw a boob and immediately started looking around. No one noticed :lol:
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Re: Good memories?

Post by HamBiscuit »

Ivy wrote:Your grandmother sounds wonderful!!
OH she was! She really was. A closeted "liberal". Or as liberal as you can be closeted there. I.E. an actual person :lol:
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Re: Good memories?

Post by ena »

Ivy wrote: My parents had a nice group of church friends and they all liked to play 42.
Used to play 42 alot. Used to play 84 which takes 3 couples. One friend left to go to the bathroom we pulled out enough sixes so he had a pat hand. We wanted to see how he bid. He got this slight smile when he saw the hand and bid fairly high. He could have bid 84 and taken everything. I call it CoC cards.
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Re: Good memories?

Post by agricola »

I don't know if it's a GOOD memory, exactly -
when I was growing up, the only cards we had in the house were games like Old Maid and Go Fish. Mother called regular playing cards 'the Devil's Bible' and we never had any in the house

Until her church lady friends began to play bridge, and THEN they were okay, because they were church ladies and it was 'bridge' which (I think) she thought of as something 'upper class' as an activity.

BUT - I don't really miss never playing with an actual deck of cards - but oh man did that give me problems when I got to college!

I had to take a math class. I did not particularly like or enjoy math classes.

So I took 'Statistics' which at least wasn't calculus.

(BTW, I strongly recommend good statistics knowledge for EVERYONE - they ought to start that in elementary school! Everybody in the country looks at charts and statistics and polls and surveys, and REALLY should understand how to interpret results...but I digress).

remember how I never really saw a pack of playing cards?

that Statistics professor USED A CARD PACK for almost every single Statistical example or idea he wanted to teach.

How many cards in a deck? (I didn't know). How many were king?s (I didn't know). What percentage of the time would you expect to draw a face card? (what??). And then he moved on to winning poker hands and the chances of drawing to an inside straight (what? and WHAT?).

I only passed that darn class through gritted teeth, determination, and the fact that D was passing.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: Good memories?

Post by ena »

agricola wrote: I had to take a math class. I did not particularly like or enjoy math classes.

So I took 'Statistics' which at least wasn't calculus.

(BTW, I strongly recommend good statistics knowledge for EVERYONE - they ought to start that in elementary school! Everybody in the country looks at charts and statistics and polls and surveys, and REALLY should understand how to interpret results...but I digress).
Statistics takes algebric type thinking. I have taught simple statistics in grade school. I started with flipping a coin. I told them the odds were one out of two. That means if you flip it 100 times you should get 50 heads and 50 tails. I divided the class in small groups and let them try it. Of course some got 60/40 and other combinations. But the average was about 50/50. The I switched to dice. One die has six sides. The odds for each side is one out of six. Then I added another die. If you write down all 36 combinations. With two dice you can never roll a one. You will rarely roll a double six or two ones. The odds are 1 out 36 for these two. Of course these show up in the middle of a craps table. They are called sucker bets. They pay only 30 to 1 when the odds are thirty six to one. I didn't tell them that. Just for fun I took out a pair of crooked pair of dice. They were set up to always roll seven or eleven. One die had all fives and the second twos and sixes. Seven or eleven every roll. Out of thirty kids there is always sharp eyed one that gets it. :lol: Statistics can be very deceptive. Many think they can gamble to make money but the odds are about 6% in favor of the house or better. It would be interesting to count the number of cherries on a wheel of a slot machine. The odds of a win are probably terrible. In calculus integration is the source of nearly all the equations in geometry. Things dovetail in hard science and math. The farther you go the more you see it and the more you realize what you don't know. It keeps you humble. This one comes from a PHD: When I started out I knew nothing about everything. I started knowing more and more about less and less until I knew everything about nothing. Learning is like that. The more you know they more you should realize you don't know. Trump never learned that. Conclusion is he does not know much. QED
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