Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

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Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by teresa »

I created this topic at the request of a board member. This is a Support and Agreement only area.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by FinallyFree »

I am grateful for so many things! My family is healthy and no one has Covid-19. My son is still sober. My husband is working full time and we are able to live comfortably and I am able to stay home. I am happy with my church and am at peace,
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by SolaDude »

First and foremost, the gift of hope, for without it you have nothing. Next, His friendship all along the way, the "quiet, constant companion". After that, every experience I have ever had, everything I have ever had, every person I have ever met, every place I have ever gone.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

I praise JESUS for baptizing me with The HOLY GHOST just like John the baptist said He would, and for blessing me to speak in tongues these last 5 years! There have been so many blessings that have come from speaking in tongues. One of the many benefits has been and continues to be how soothing it is to my soul, and to my spirit. Even when the LORD blessed me to be homeless, I was surprised how calm and peaceful I was in the midst of it all. All praise and glory to The LORD for His peace.

Thank You so much JESUS! I love how You love me, and how You always take such great care of me.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by B.H. »

I praise Allah for blessing me with peace at work and home. Some problems were solved without anyone being hurt financially or emotionally
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Saints, I am so happy that it has been almost 2 weeks since I have asked for prayers, and how my life has improved. The food cravings are completely gone! I am constantly thanking my JESUS for answering so quickly. I have even gone into a Trader Joe store at least twice, and I did not even notice the snacks. A big virtual hug to all of you prayer warriors!
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by SolaDude »

seekingthetruth wrote:A big virtual hug to all of you prayer warriors!
Great news, thanks and backatcha....
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Incoming praise report!

I am praising The LORD because of what He taught me regarding prayer and how He led me to ask for prayers here in the first place. I read somewhere online a great quote, "life is a book of experiences." I totally agree with that quote, but I want to add that my experiences have been great lessons for me to learn from.

While I am blessed by GOD to be still here on His earth, I am learning that one of the reasons He still has me here is to learn from all the experiences in His classroom. Once I leave His earth, I have either passed or failed His many lessons. That being said, this recent spiritual lesson made me remember the second time The HOLY SPIRIT informed that I was going back into homelessness; He actually said deep within my spirit, "I'm sending you back into the classroom."

So, here was my belief. I had falsely believed that I would not need to ask prayers of other saints because I had received the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT directly from JESUS, and prayed in tongues. I was certainly wrong about not needing the prayers of other saints!

The HOLY SPIRIT led me to James 5:16. This scripture stands as proof that I need others to be praying for me, and what happens when someone else does pray. I had stated before that I received a "spiritual surge" the morning after I had asked for prayers. The spiritual surge was because of the power of GOD'S written promise in His Word. GOD'S Word is not just ink on paper, but when applied accurately, it is full of power for every believer. The HOLY SPIRIT had just recently taught me what this scripture meant spiritually. It was a two-fold lesson for me. He taught me how I was wrong in my belief, and how powerful His promises can be when I believe and follow them.

Just because I pray in tongues does not mean that I will not need the prayers of other saints. The HOLY SPIRIT also led me to 1 Corinthians 14:18 where Paul stated that he prayed in tongues more than any of the tongue speaking Corinthians did. The HOLY SPIRIT used this scripture to teach me that Paul did pray in tongues a lot, but it did not mean that he would not need other saints to pray for him. Paul was continually asking for prayers and praying for others as he has written in Colossians 1:3,9; Ephesians 6:18,19, and in 1 Thessalonians 5:23,25.

Overall, the lesson The HOLY SPIRIT shared with me was that I should have been led by Him to the scriptures that completely supported my belief or else I am following something that would not help me, but that could harm me. Everything that I believe and do while on GOD'S earth must line up perfectly with GOD'S Word. I was not standing on any of GOD'S promises with this belief, but on a lie. When I am attempting to stand on something that is false, it becomes quicksand instead.

I was wondering why I still had that sense of oppression even though I was constantly praying in tongues. I now know that I still had the oppression because I stood on and believed in a lie. That oppression happened in order to teach me the difference between GOD'S truth and lies.

I also learned that when JESUS gives a me a personal command to follow, I must do it or else I have opened the door for satan and his demons to enter. Once those spiritual squatters are within, it is very hard to get them out. Matthew 12:43-45

I am praising GOD for His ongoing classroom lessons, and for His blessing me to see where I went wrong.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by ena »

seekingthetruth wrote: I was wondering why I still had that sense of oppression even though I was constantly praying in tongues. I now know that I still had the oppression because I stood on and believed in a lie. That oppression happened in order to teach me the difference between GOD'S truth and lies.

I also learned that when JESUS gives a me a personal command to follow, I must do it or else I have opened the door for satan and his demons to enter. Once those spiritual squatters are within, it is very hard to get them out. Matthew 12:43-45
I can not improve on your excellent post. Two things stuck out. Lies are important to detect. It means the information you are receiving is distorted. This was apparent in the CoC and the Trump primary. I did not trust Hillary either but that is a long story. If Jesus gives you a personal command you should listen at your own peril. It is hard to get rid spiritual squatters. You cannot be filled with Jesus and squatters at the same time. Jesus in and squatters out. I do not yet know their source.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

"I do not yet know their source."

ena, what did you mean by this statement? Did you mean the demon's source? Where they would be coming from?
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