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Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 1:14 am
by ena
seekingthetruth wrote:I need prayers regarding my struggles with food. JESUS had already delivered me from that idolatry years ago, but I have been slowly drifting back into bondage, back to my Egypt. I see a lot of people ordering and eating pizza, which is something I really miss. I just want that craving to be completely gone, and to eat exactly what JESUS has instructed me to eat.
I too love love pizza. The wheat flour is addictive. It is a carbohydrate. The problem with carbs is that you get famished about every two hours. In 16 hours of waking time you will eat about 8 snacks and meals. I eat cream cheese. Just 4 ounces. I cook with butter. What happens to a type 2 diabetic who eats a quarter pound of butter. Nothing! Particularly if you are in Ketosis. By the way it lasts longer. As it is a saturated fat it is supposed to cause high cholesterol is that true. I do not take statins. Yes I am a heart patient. I should be dead. I should have been dead of a heart attack in 1999. My total cholesterol was 180 mg/dL, Triglyceride 153 mg/dL, HDL 36 mg/dL. My HDL is low because I am a metobolic syndrome diabetic. Otherwise I am better off than most Americans. You have to wade through medical lies about diabetics. It took me twenty years to see through them. There are lies about what fats are healthy. Basically if you want to live a long happy life you must ignore your doctor and the American Heart Association who has been promoting lies for many years. You have to educate your self. I listen to MDs that get it. I turn off MDs that don't. The problem is that they do not know nutrition. I do listen to nutritionists all the time. I no longer desire to be a MD trapped by sick and dying patients. I have heard from Nutritionist MDs who say I nor longer prescribe medications when nutrition does better. There is much more but enough for now.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2020 8:38 pm
by seekingthetruth
Hello Prayer warriors,
I was downtown this morning and I saw a woman so strung out on drugs. There was a man that she was with who seemed to be keeping her that way. It just broke my heart to see her like that. I came home and cried so much for her. I don't know her. I have been praying for her, but I'm asking for your prayers as well. Maybe JESUS is getting ready to help her get out of that horrible situation, and He needs others to pray for her in order for that to happen.

While I was looking at her, The HOLY SPIRIT had me to remember a man telling me about how when he was homeless and saw a woman he knew that was on drugs that came to him and begged him to pray for her. He said she told him, "Please pray for me, I don't want to live like this!" He said even though he was having trouble with drugs himself, he went and prayed for her. He said that he ran into her a few months later and barely recognized her. She had been delivered from those drugs! Praise GOD!
Thank you all in advance for your prayers for this woman.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:27 am
by SolaDude
seekingthetruth wrote:Hello Prayer warriors,
I was downtown this morning and I saw a woman so strung out on drugs. There was a man that she was with who seemed to be keeping her that way. It just broke my heart to see her like that. I came home and cried so much for her. I don't know her. I have been praying for her, but I'm asking for your prayers as well. Maybe JESUS is getting ready to help her get out of that horrible situation, and He needs others to pray for her in order for that to happen.

While I was looking at her, The HOLY SPIRIT had me to remember a man telling me about how when he was homeless and saw a woman he knew that was on drugs that came to him and begged him to pray for her. He said she told him, "Please pray for me, I don't want to live like this!" He said even though he was having trouble with drugs himself, he went and prayed for her. He said that he ran into her a few months later and barely recognized her. She had been delivered from those drugs! Praise GOD!
Thank you all in advance for your prayers for this woman.
Sure, will pray for her. You certainly have a heart for others. What led you to believe that the man she was with seemed to be keeping her that way?

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:10 am
by teresa
Very sad situation. I prayed for her this morning.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:34 pm
by ena
seekingthetruth wrote:Hello Prayer warriors,
I was downtown this morning and I saw a woman so strung out on drugs. There was a man that she was with who seemed to be keeping her that way. It just broke my heart to see her like that. I came home and cried so much for her. I don't know her. I have been praying for her, but I'm asking for your prayers as well. Maybe JESUS is getting ready to help her get out of that horrible situation, and He needs others to pray for her in order for that to happen.

While I was looking at her, The HOLY SPIRIT had me to remember a man telling me about how when he was homeless and saw a woman he knew that was on drugs that came to him and begged him to pray for her. He said she told him, "Please pray for me, I don't want to live like this!" He said even though he was having trouble with drugs himself, he went and prayed for her. He said that he ran into her a few months later and barely recognized her. She had been delivered from those drugs! Praise GOD!
Thank you all in advance for your prayers for this woman.
I run into people that are homeless. They are plentiful in California because the weather is mild. We rarely get freezes. Housing is expense. Rentals are expensive. You need a job to afford one. There are homeless camps all over. Some carry their worldly possessions in a shopping cart. They bum money until they can afford a tent. They bundle their stuff in tarps. Their trash collects in piles if they care enough to pick it up. I don't know why the city has not set aside locations with bathrooms and showers. Showers can be built out of concrete block coated with epoxy paint. They can be cleaned with a pressure washer. Plumbing fixtures can be made out of pipe and standard fittings. Buy using unions by the valves you can replace the valve clear to the shower head. There are coin op laundromats. These are people who would work if jobs were available. So much for Trumps claims of economic revival. I do not see it ever on the streets. He is disconnected from reality. These people have no choice but to do with their reality. So much for our form of capitalism. The money flows toward an ever smaller pool of the rich. Trump gave them and himself a massive bailout. The people that voted for him do not know how badly they"ve been screwed. There are many more to pray for. They are more common that the idiots in Washington DC know about. Trump was treated at Walter Reed. This a socialist supported hospital. Republicans hate socialism but love to over use it as long as you are paying for it. I am glad that this woman recovered from drugs. I am much too angry at this lying president.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:40 pm
by seekingthetruth
I was watching them intently. At one point, the man placed both of his hands under her shirt. At first, I was so repulsed at what I had just seen that I looked away for a moment, but then within a few minutes a man came up to him and an exchange was made. One of the ways the man is using her is to store drugs on her in case he is ever approached by the police. The police will not find any drugs on him. The HOLY SPIRIT downloaded that information to me. I would have never figured that out on my own.

After being homeless, The HOLY SPIRIT has taught me how to spot those that have become masters at deceiving women into completely trusting them. When I was homeless the second time, one of my housemates had a 'master.' I even heard him give her orders, and she would do whatever he told her to do. I even told her that he was her master. She ended up being kicked out of the apartment, and the program that we were all in. She had no place to go and ended up living outside in a park. Her 'master' still lived in his apartment. He kept her filled with alcohol in order to keep her trusting him.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:56 pm
by ena
seekingthetruth wrote:SolaDude,
I was watching them intently. At one point, the man placed both of his hands under her shirt. At first, I was so repulsed at what I had just seen that I looked away for a moment, but then within a few minutes a man came up to him and an exchange was made. One of the ways the man is using her is to store drugs on her in case he is ever approached by the police. The police will not find any drugs on him. The HOLY SPIRIT downloaded that information to me. I would have never figured that out on my own.

After being homeless, The HOLY SPIRIT has taught me how to spot those that have become masters at deceiving women into completely trusting them. When I was homeless the second time, one of my housemates had a 'master.' I even heard him give her orders, and she would do whatever he told her to do. I even told her that he was her master. She ended up being kicked out of the apartment, and the program that we were all in. She had no place to go and ended up living outside in a park. Her 'master' still lived in his apartment. He kept her filled with alcohol in order to keep her trusting him.
Drug pushers do not always handle drugs. Larger distributers use runners. Men will supply some addicted women to prostitute them. The women get the drugs and the master gets the money. HIV is common. I would never have sex with Stormy Daniels. I don't care if she is good looking. Looks like a boob job to me. Yucky stuff. Dangerous too. Being drugged in a trippy state claiming to be a master might work. You aren't dealing with the brightest. I stay away from such. Yes you can try a rescue but you need backup. You might have noticed that cops shoot several times. Some druggies do not feel pain and can attack you with a knife while you unload. Even animals do not die with the first shot. I wat is watched a video of an attacking lioness. The animal was dead mid leap and still connected. True life is vastly different from the movies.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:40 pm
by seekingthetruth
Hello Prayer Warriors,

Please pray for my former spiritual mentor. She has been into new age beliefs for the last few years. The HOLY SPIRIT used her so powerfully not only in my life, but helping others in their lives as well. She was amazing at helping seers, those that GOD had blessed to see in the spiritual realm, to understand what they were seeing. I communicated with a seer years ago that she had been blessed to help, and she was so thankful to finally understand why she was seeing all those visions.
I have contacted her and shared with her that her current beliefs do not line up with the scriptures she used to share with me, but she is not open to listening. It just breaks my heart.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.