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Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:31 pm
by seekingthetruth
I have been blessed to find a spiritual mentor since I left the coc. She has helped me to grow spiritually in so many ways. One of the ways that she has helped me is to hear from God. I never even thought that was possible before. We first talked about how mentoring is biblical. Barnabas mentored Paul. Paul mentored Timothy/Titus and many others. Jesus mentored His twelve disciples. Mordecai mentored Esther. Naomi mentored Ruth. The list could go on and on. As I continue to pray for God's guidance, it is so nice to have someone to talk to that I know is there to help me to see things in a more spiritual way.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:12 am
by GMan
That is wonderful to hear.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:04 pm
by williamray123
How is she helping you hear from God? Subtle ways, or a voice? Not questioning, just curious. Thanks

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:25 pm
by seekingthetruth
I was actually hearing from God before she became my mentor. I started to hear from God while I was still a campbellite. I had decided that I would start studying His word. The Holy Spirit led me to study the book of Proverbs. I never heard a voice, but I would have a deep understanding of something that I did not have before. I would ask God about something before I began to study and He would give me the answer during my studies. I called it a deep understanding in the beginning, but now I call it a spirit to spirit communication.

One example of His answer is while I was living in my studio apartment that I was renting. The HOA told me that they were going to raise my rent. I had been praying about it awhile and while I was doing laundry next door I noticed that it was very dirty in there. The thought that I had all of sudden was to ask the HOA if I could have a reduction in my rent if I regularly cleaned the laundry room. They agreed and reduced my rent. I knew that this thought that I had received had come from God.

My mentor has helped me to move forward by teaching me to look at my life with spiritual glasses on instead of looking at things in the natural way. She also introduced me to dreams and how to interpret them, the biblical way, of course. She says that one of the ways that God still speaks to His children is through dreams. I read about what Job 33:12-18 says about dreams and it made me want to know more.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:54 am
by Slwiser
Excellent, there are so many resources are available for us if we only knew of them.

Sermonindex website is one. One of my favorite preachers there is an India named Zac Poonen.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:32 am
by seekingthetruth
I checked out the website and found that it had one of my favorite speakers. Thank you.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:33 pm
by seekingthetruth
slwiser, I did listen to one of Zac Poonen's sermons. I see why you like him. Have you ever heard of Smith Wigglesworth? He was a British evangelist who walked in the supernatural. Some of the things he did was so bold and funny. When the Holy Spirit was working through him to heal someone of a cancerous tumor, he would hit them hard in that spot and say that he is striking satan, not them.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:46 pm
by Slwiser
seekingthetruth wrote:slwiser, I did listen to one of Zac Poonen's sermons. I see why you like him. Have you ever heard of Smith Wigglesworth? He was a British evangelist who walked in the supernatural. Some of the things he did was so bold and funny. When the Holy Spirit was working through him to heal someone of a cancerous tumor, he would hit them hard in that spot and say that he is striking satan, not them.
Yes, he is another great old time Christian.

Have you heard of a fairly new web site and Facebook page called "Forgotten"?. Check out episode 5 another one of my early mentors was Watchman Nee. Listen to the short story about one incident in his early life. I have read almost everthing he wrote.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:03 pm
by seekingthetruth
Yes, that was good.

Re: Spiritual Mentoring

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:22 pm
by seekingthetruth
Other than Zac Poonen/Watchman Nee, have you been mentored by anyone in person?