Speaking in tongues

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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

Back to the topic...

slwiser - Can you explain further what you mean by "having a strong view of God's providence?"
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote:Back to the topic...

slwiser - Can you explain further what you mean by "having a strong view of God's providence?"
This has to do with the more general topic of the spiritual gifts and either the gifts of knowledge or prophecy in particular.

It was said of the great preacher Spurgeon that as he preached and as he would look at specific people when preaching, the Word preached would burn right into a specific person as he was looking at them as if God was speaking to them. Spurgeon I don't think believe in the continuation of those gifts of knowledge or prophecy but he did believe in the providence of God. I am inclined to assign the coincident look and message to the present active engagement of God to turn Spurgeon's head to the right person at the right time as either the gift of knowledge or prophecy. Scripturally speaking this could be considered either the gift of knowledge or the gift of prophecy. Hence the cautious description I use as being in the area of a strong view of God's Providence. I don't see a practical difference.

I have had times when thoughts would come to mind at the right time and with an appropriate application for those around me as to be either a great providence of God or a experience of the gift of knowledge/prophetic for that situation. Either way God gets the glory for the edification and exhortation that resulted.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

I am so fascinated with this topic because for me not only does it prove that God exists, but also how much He loves His creation. I have always believed that He existed, but I am ashamed to say that there has been many times that I have not believed that He loved me. Part of that thinking was from the doctrine, but most of it was due to my own insecurities. While I was following the campbellite doctrine, I somehow always knew that there had to more than that. Speaking in tongues confirms it in my mind and heart. I treasure it as well.

I have only been speaking in tongues for 14 months, but in this short time period I have seen so many benefits. The first two times that I was speaking in tongues, I was crying and I did not know why but I knew that the Holy Spirit was purging me of something.

Another benefit is that my fear has been greatly reduced. I take public transportation and sometimes I will be at the bus stop waiting for a bus late at night. While standing there waiting, I speak in tongues. I call it my secret weapon. I love the way the Holy Spirit downloads spiritual wisdom. While I am studying His word, I will notice something that seemed to be hidden before.

Since you have been doing this for 40 plus years, have you noticed how the Holy Spirit has changed the language from the first one He gave you? He has changed mine. I would love to speak in French.
Have you lost any friends because of this gift?
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

My we pray:
Hallowed be thy name, Father (Yahweh). Praise be to the God (Yahweh) and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is worthy of all praise, with all of our bodies, souls and spirits! Glory to our Savior and Redeemer Christ Jesus Who pours out the Holy Spirit, Who leads us into all understanding of the many blessings we have in Christ Jesus in the heavens, and the knowledge of You Father (Yahweh) in righteousness (right standing before the Lord), peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, which is the Kingdom of God. See Ephesians 1:3-5. Romans 14:17.

Help us to believe in your infinite Goodness and Love, help us believe and walk in Your love, joy, peace, grace and come to know the encouragement that You have already provided for us in Christ Jesus, Your Only Begotten Son, Father (Yahweh). Help us to spend time in Your Word and the time in prayer. Maintain our conscience open to Your Still Small Voice. Psalm 1, Psalm 119:18; and Philippians 4:6,7; and I Thessalonians 5:17

Empower us by your infinite Grace to fulfill all the call that You have upon our lives for this day. Help us to live today as a living sacrifice taking up our crosses daily for You Father and Your Namesake, Jesus Christ. Romans 12:1,2
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote: Another benefit is that my fear has been greatly reduced. I take public transportation and sometimes I will be at the bus stop waiting for a bus late at night. While standing there waiting, I speak in tongues. I call it my secret weapon. I love the way the Holy Spirit downloads spiritual wisdom. While I am studying His word, I will notice something that seemed to be hidden before.

Since you have been doing this for 40 plus years, have you noticed how the Holy Spirit has changed the language from the first one He gave you? He has changed mine. I would love to speak in French.
Have you lost any friends because of this gift?
Living an over coming life is having victory over the giants as we move forward into our life with God. You will continue to find that you have more and more victory over fear. God does not give you a spirit of fear. Take those thoughts captive and blind the strong man that whispers these fears into your mind in Our Lord's name. This is part of our spiritual battle.

I lost relationship with family for many years over my testimony but God is working to restore those. As far my spiritual language as changing I can't say it has. Maybe my vocabulary has grown over the years in that language!
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

Thank you so much for the prayer! That was beautiful. I needed that at this time. God is challenging me to grow in faith and it is really difficult.

See, that is another thing that I noticed about people that pray in tongues, when the Holy Spirit prompts them to pray for someone, they pray. I used to be so afraid to pray for someone in person, but the Holy Spirit has changed that.

I am sorry to hear about the problems with your family. It is great that God is restoring it.

So, has the Holy Spirit had you cast out any demons yet? I haven't cast out any yet, but I was waiting at a trolley stop recently and a man with some demons came up and sat one seat over from me. I wanted to leave, but I stayed. There were also two young women standing there nearby. I knew that he came over where we were to start some trouble. I was already praying in tongues. He screamed out at one point and the Holy Spirit prompted me to just say Jesus' name over and over. He then got quiet and didn't say anything else. That day I learned that there is a lot of power in Jesus name! The old me would have run away from that situation, but the Holy Spirit had me to stay in order to see His power.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote:
So, has the Holy Spirit had you cast out any demons yet? I haven't cast out any yet, but I was waiting at a trolley stop recently and a man with some demons came up and sat one seat over from me. I wanted to leave, but I stayed. There were also two young women standing there nearby. I knew that he came over where we were to start some trouble. I was already praying in tongues. He screamed out at one point and the Holy Spirit prompted me to just say Jesus' name over and over. He then got quiet and didn't say anything else. That day I learned that there is a lot of power in Jesus name! The old me would have run away from that situation, but the Holy Spirit had me to stay in order to see His power.
I have done very little of this casting out demons unless you count my own demons. I have seen demons changing certain words between what people are saying to each other ensuring misunderstandings and arguments trying to destroy relationships. I am just now beginning to understand more of the dynamics of this grace in a general sense. There is so much crazy stuff out there that my spirit has checked me about that and I hesitate to express anything like understanding. I have had discussions concerning whether Christians can be possessed. Well, the differences between being possessed and greatly oppressed are so insignificant as to be meaningless to me.

This I know, we in Christ, do have authority over demons and the great efforts and show I have seen going on should not be. Your quite demonstration of having authority at the bus stop is much more like what I think is correct. They can't read your mind but you can quietly, almost under your breath, speak to them for them to be still and quite. They have good ears. You would not want to cast out any demon without the person coming to the Lord and being filled with the Holy Spirit. They would be worse off than before. Yes there is Power in the name of the Lord as they recognized your authority apparently.

Be still and know Him who has authority to bless you with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. Extend us opportunities to demonstrate Your Authority in our lives to declare Your Authority to the world in Christ Jesus name.
Last edited by Slwiser on Fri Sep 09, 2016 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

I definitely would not attempt to cast out any demons without the Holy Spirit leading me. I would not want to end up like the seven sons of Sceva! Actually, I would not like to cast out any demons, but if Jesus says we can (Mark 16:17), I would. My former mentor has been led by the Holy Spirit to do it a few times. She did it within a somewhat "controlled" environment and she was blessed to have a seer around to tell her what was happening in the spiritual realm. Speaking of seers, I have met at least two within the last two years, and I was amazed at how God blesses them to see things so clearly in the spiritual realm. Have you met any seers?

Do you attend any type of worship service?
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote:I definitely would not attempt to cast out any demons without the Holy Spirit leading me. I would not want to end up like the seven sons of Sceva! Actually, I would not like to cast out any demons, but if Jesus says we can (Mark 16:17), I would. My former mentor has been led by the Holy Spirit to do it a few times. She did it within a somewhat "controlled" environment and she was blessed to have a seer around to tell her what was happening in the spiritual realm. Speaking of seers, I have met at least two within the last two years, and I was amazed at how God blesses them to see things so clearly in the spiritual realm. Have you met any seers?

Do you attend any type of worship service?
Based on my personal experience with my background and others I know with my background of CoC:

The evil spirit that will be troubling most will likely will be a familiar (generational) spirit some would call by the name Jezebel. This is a spirit that results in extreme control and manipulation over the family by the matriarch of the family. This was a challenge for me to deal with when I got married. I was able through God's grace to somewhat shield my family from my mother's control. God allowed me to understand these dynamics. There are many helping spirits that go with Jezebel that will also be generational or familiar; i.e., lying for one was another strong influence that she used in controlling the family.

There are many generational spirits that need to be recognized and dealt with in my opinion and is one of the most pressing needs that I have expreenced. The helping generational spirits are those I spoke about in an earlier post.

I have been in and out of churches but have not found one specific group that is as inclusive as I am.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Ivy »

Slwiser wrote:
seekingthetruth wrote:I definitely would not attempt to cast out any demons without the Holy Spirit leading me. I would not want to end up like the seven sons of Sceva! Actually, I would not like to cast out any demons, but if Jesus says we can (Mark 16:17), I would. My former mentor has been led by the Holy Spirit to do it a few times. She did it within a somewhat "controlled" environment and she was blessed to have a seer around to tell her what was happening in the spiritual realm. Speaking of seers, I have met at least two within the last two years, and I was amazed at how God blesses them to see things so clearly in the spiritual realm. Have you met any seers?

Do you attend any type of worship service?
Based on my personal experience with my background and others I know with my background of CoC:

The evil spirit that will be troubling most will likely will be a familiar (generational) spirit some would call by the name Jezebel. This is a spirit that results in extreme control and manipulation over the family by the matriarch of the family. This was a challenge for me to deal with when I got married. I was able through God's grace to somewhat shield my family from my mother's control. God allowed me to understand these dynamics. There are many helping spirits that go with Jezebel that will also be generational or familiar; i.e., lying for one was another strong influence that she used in controlling the family.

There are many generational spirits that need to be recognized and dealt with in my opinion and is one of the most pressing needs that I have expreenced. The helping generational spirits are those I spoke about in an earlier post.

I have been in and out of churches but have not found one specific group that is as inclusive as I am.
Not sure that this is appropriate to say here in New Paths, but I am familiar with the ideas you mention due to my history of involvement with charismatic /pentecostal and neopentecostal churches. While I am no longer involved with these groups, I am glad that you have found a spiritual world view that works for you.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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