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Re: Public shaming

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:46 pm
by Ivy
Cootie Brown wrote:
Struggler wrote:I've seen those party buses and out of control bridal/bachelorette parties, so I am convinced that Hell is real.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:12 pm
by BabyNurse
HamBiscuit wrote:
Struggler wrote: When the answer was "I had to work", no matter who it was, it's always "can't you request that day off?"

My mom was actually told once, "You can't go to Heaven working 3-11."

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 6:55 pm
by Lerk
BabyNurse wrote:
HamBiscuit wrote:
Struggler wrote: When the answer was "I had to work", no matter who it was, it's always "can't you request that day off?"

My mom was actually told once, "You can't go to Heaven working 3-11."
It rhymes, so it must be true!

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2020 7:23 pm
by Ivy

So...some poor schmuck is lucky to have a good job to feed his/her family, and yet they are harrassed because they can't have their butt in a pew for the night services.

They make up their own rules as they go along to suit their own purposes...usually control of someone they figure needs to be more "faithful". :roll:

I never heard the 3-11 couplet, though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 12:10 am
by B.H.
BabyNurse wrote:
HamBiscuit wrote:
Struggler wrote: When the answer was "I had to work", no matter who it was, it's always "can't you request that day off?"

My mom was actually told once, "You can't go to Heaven working 3-11."
A one cup preacher told me I was sinning by missing church services because of work. I told him I'd gladly call in on sunday and lose my job for calling in too much if he would agree to pay all my Bill's until I found a job that would let me off sunday. He dropped it and never brought it up again 8-)

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 3:48 pm
by Ivy
B.H. wrote: A one cup preacher told me I was sinning by missing church services because of work. I told him I'd gladly call in on sunday and lose my job for calling in too much if he would agree to pay all my Bill's until I found a job that would let me off sunday. He dropped it and never brought it up again 8-)
HAHAHA BH!! When you mentioned dipping into the coffers so you could quit your sinful job and have your butt in a pew, he backed off. That's hilarious!!

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 6:22 pm
by B.H.
I got that idea from a stripper I know who used to strip out at the club in Mustang, a little city right next to Corsicana. All mustang's industry was beer/whine and strip clubs. Anyway she was telling me that a baptist preacher started lecturing her when she was checking out at HEB when he found out she was a stripper. She told him she would be honest and admit that her momma didn't raise her with high Hope's she would have the type of employment she was in but she would make a deal with him. She asked which church he preached at and it was the second or third largest in town, multimillion dollar church,. She told him if they would match her salary as a stripper out at mustang she would keep her clothes on a work for their church in some capacity. She mentioned how rich the church seemed to be and how she had to take care of two kids so it shouldn't have been a problem. The preacher said we cant do that.. . :roll:

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:16 am
by ena
HamBiscuit wrote:
gordie91 wrote:Wow Ham that is bold! Not sure that would encourage many to come to the meetings, maybe encourage them to leave but not so much for staying.
Guilt trips, that's it. They were good at that. They asked me that about work when I was in college. But, I worked Sunday mornings. On purpose. The GM at my job used to go to the same church, so I told him I needed help getting out. He scheduled me for Sunday mornings, and I told him I'd do double shifts on Sunday. So, he made it happen. I did it to have an excuse, but I think I did it out of spite, too :lol:
My CoC was very good at creating guilt trips. The problem is that they leave you no where. They were very good at at creating sin where there was none.

You must partake of communion every 1st day of the week. If you miss Sunday morning it is offered at night. Of course that marks your failed attendance Sunday morning which is also a sin. Funny thing that I finally found God outside of church and Jesus as well. Jesus said this do in remembrance of me. Once, Twice or five times a week. The Lord was talking to his disciples or the church. Did he use wine or new wine. It is a created sin to drink wine. He did it on Tuesday night in an upper room. Pliny the younger wrote that early Christians met before dawn. The CoC is stacking up sins. Divorce is not the unpardonable sin. There are tons of stuff like this. You end up feeling guilty for being human. Jesus only accepts humans. The unbaptized thief on the cross included.

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 3:24 pm
by bnot
The sermon that starts out with "where were you Wednesday night"? "Where were you Sunday night?" "Hebrews 10:25 Do not forsake the assembling of ourselves..." and all the Pharisee gibberish. That was from a sermon I remember years ago. Let's guilt everyone to come to every service so we have the chance to make a lager number of people feel like crap and send them to hell. Treat everyone like crap and call it worshiping God.

Re: Public shaming

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 10:11 pm
by B.H.
My argument for missing Wednesday night was that it was a night for bible classes and therefore either 1. Hebrews 10:25 did not apply because it was not an actual assembling together or if the objector to my missing thought it applied it was a false unscriptural assembly because it was as not an " assembling together". My years in the nonclass church paid off on that one. :P