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Re: Black-American experiences

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 12:33 am
by ena
SolaDude wrote:Is anyone here a CofC historian?? ISTM that the CofC was for the most part a product of southern white society, was it not?? Then it moved north....But I think even today it's presence in the north is sparse compared to the south....anyway, I would presume its tradition became shaped by "separate but equal" at some point in time.....

Just as a general historical thing, it is a jaw dropping experience to read southern vs northern preachers' (all denominations) sermons before the civil the south, of course, preachers interpreted slavery as an institution gifted by God, and blacks as sub-human and created by God that way for a glad I am anyway that they lost the "war of the scriptural perspectives on slavery" in America...but I would imagine that the ultimate change in this perspective in the south was slow indeed...
The South had institutionalized racism. Racism exists in the North but in more subtle ways. The best way to get a handle on it is the book "The Help" There is a movie by that name. The way institutional racism works is by rules. Blacks were not allowed to go in white toilets. If you were white and there was a line of Blacks waiting for the clerk the white got waited on first. I went to a movie with my cousin. It was a Friday so blacks had the mezzanine and whites were down stairs. Blacks had the run of the theater on Saturdays and whites Sundays. The gas stations had three bathrooms: Men, Women and Colored. This was in the sixties in the deep south. You had to obey the rules to avoid trouble. Breaking the rules means that you could visit an alligator. They are common in Louisiana and Georgia and Florida. In Louisiana gators are called Louisiana guard dogs. They eat pets. There are not racist. Meat is meat. We are all the same color inside and taste the same. I have a black friend who I look forward to being with. I never heard an anything racist in the CoC in California. California has a mixed relationship with the Chinese historically. I have known many Chinese personally. I've listened to Cantonese many times. I was even taught enough Cantonese to order in Cantonese. To have a white guy speak in Cantonese was shocking to the waitress. She almost dropped her pen. A Chinese woman in our group ordered duck feet. I ate that. I have major problems with chicken feet. You can get it at Vietnamese sandwich shops. The link is: The cat's in the kettle.