Expectations for this forum - Please read before posting

A place to snark and vent about CoC doctrine and/or our experiences in the CoC. This is a place for SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only, not a place to tell someone their experience and feelings are wrong, or why we disagree with them.
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Expectations for this forum - Please read before posting

Post by teresa »

This is a place to snark, vent, and share our experiences about the CoC -- including both good and bad experiences. It's also a place we can discuss CoC doctrine.
The focus here is on SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only.

Please be aware that some folks, especially new folks, are looking for a straight-forward validation.They want you to address them directly, and let them know you are supportive of them. They might feel "unheard" if you start by cracking jokes and posting stories, before letting them know that you support them.

Newcomers, please be aware that it may take time to feel a connection with others on the board. There are many differing views expressed on the board. And folks on the board have different personalities and are at different places of healing. Some folks will be able to be more supportive of you than others.

To report a post that does not meet Forum expectations, click on the exclamation mark icon. Allow three days for a response, as the moderators are not on the board 24/7.