It is Just so Refreshing.....

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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by agricola »

This is the place where, when ex coc'ers tell us they have found happiness worshiping the big toe of the great Chthulhu, or have found Jesus in a pancake and now they are JW's, we all say 'how wonderful for you!'

Also a place where the Chthulhu toe worshiper can tell us all about what that means.

It's 'share your new path' (without having to defend it) and not 'explain how this is wrong'.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by Struggler »

C of C'ers tend to believe that getting baptized is ALL one must do to be saved.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by Ivy »

Struggler wrote:C of C'ers tend to believe that getting baptized is ALL one must do to be saved.
Struggler......what about all the people being re-baptized, going forward, etc.? Can't the
original baptism be nullified by one's later bad behavior, according to cofc doctrine?
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by SolaDude »

Struggler wrote:C of C'ers tend to believe that getting baptized is ALL one must do to be saved.
Yes, negating not only the actual teachings of Christ in the gospels, but negating the concept of living one's life with Him as the pattern, following in His footsteps, etc. Really, the pattern and footstep following person is Paul, not Jesus, i.e., the Church of Paul.
Last edited by SolaDude on Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by Shrubbery »

Ivy wrote:
Struggler wrote: Struggler......what about all the people being re-baptized, going forward, etc.? Can't the
original baptism be nullified by one's later bad behavior, according to cofc doctrine?
Going forward to repent doesn't typically get you re-baptized though. I've only seen re-baptism when the first baptism was considered unscriptural (like it was done without the coc understanding of being saved at the point of immersion). Very occasionally someone will get re-baptized because they don't think they really believed as a young child when they were first baptized. I've never seen re-baptism for the purpose of absolving later bad bahavior. That's what going forward is for. :)

To Struggler's original point about not doing anything but be baptized... They do now add "and live faithfully". So it's Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, Be Baptized, Live Faithfully. No longer a 5-finger exercise. Gotta make it 6. :P

Of course, by "live faithfully", they mean follow coc doctrine in how you worship, as well as not sinning. That's why if you leave and go to a progressive coc or another denomination, you're said to not be faithful anymore (and thus you're damned to hell!).
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by ena »

Shrubbery wrote: No longer a 5-finger exercise. Gotta make it 6. :P

Of course, by "live faithfully", they mean follow coc doctrine in how you worship, as well as not sinning. That's why if you leave and go to a progressive coc or another denomination, you're said to not be faithful anymore (and thus you're damned to hell!).
The 6th finger is a skinky pinkie. Maybe the baptismal waters will clean it up. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by Sheba »

I love what the original poster said about the shackles being removed. I say something have to have the scales removed. I believe when the apostle Paul was blinded, and then healed, and it said it was like scales fell from his eyes, well, I believe that was like saying the scales of preconceived ideas had to be removed before he could see the truth. It is the same with us. Those preconceived ideas are hard to put away, but when you can do it, you suddenly see truth. Even terminology of the cofC can blind you. For example, obey the gospel. We all know that means "get baptized". But if we can put that away and really think about what the gospel is, well, it isn't getting baptized. It is the good news that the law has been abolished. That Christ rose from the dead. That we are loved and we are saved. Christ blood covers our sin. The only thing we are commanded to do is to love and serve others. I recently read about cars being stranded on an interstate, during the polar vortex, and a couple made it out and home. They then prepared sandwiches and drinks and walked back to serve those stranded motorist. That, to me, is living for Christ.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by teresa »

Sheba wrote:The only thing we are commanded to do is to love and serve others. I recently read about cars being stranded on an interstate, during the polar vortex, and a couple made it out and home. They then prepared sandwiches and drinks and walked back to serve those stranded motorist. That, to me, is living for Christ.
I agree.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by SolaDude »

Sheba wrote:I love what the original poster said about the shackles being removed. I say something have to have the scales removed. I believe when the apostle Paul was blinded, and then healed, and it said it was like scales fell from his eyes, well, I believe that was like saying the scales of preconceived ideas had to be removed before he could see the truth. It is the same with us. Those preconceived ideas are hard to put away, but when you can do it, you suddenly see truth. Even terminology of the cofC can blind you. For example, obey the gospel. We all know that means "get baptized". But if we can put that away and really think about what the gospel is, well, it isn't getting baptized. It is the good news that the law has been abolished. That Christ rose from the dead. That we are loved and we are saved. Christ blood covers our sin. The only thing we are commanded to do is to love and serve others. I recently read about cars being stranded on an interstate, during the polar vortex, and a couple made it out and home. They then prepared sandwiches and drinks and walked back to serve those stranded motorist. That, to me, is living for Christ.
Great post, Sheba...."obey the gospel", yes, the calling card of the CofC, a mod of the "repent and believe" found in the gospels. In other words, obeying the gospel is believing in its truth, therefore becoming a disciple of that truth and patterning one's life after the life of the One who is discipling. However the CofC spin on "obeying the gospel" is as you say, getting dunked, and they become disciples of legalism, constructing it out of scriptures meant all along to point to Jesus rather than to themselves and their preoccupation with perfect obedience.
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Re: It is Just so Refreshing.....

Post by ena »

Sheba wrote: I believe when the apostle Paul was blinded, and then healed, and it said it was like scales fell from his eyes, well, I believe that was like saying the scales of preconceived ideas had to be removed before he could see the truth. It is the same with us. Those preconceived ideas are hard to put away, but when you can do it, you suddenly see truth. Even terminology of the cofC can blind you.
Loved your whole post. God wanted Paul's zeal so he hit him hard. Paul had to depend on others to walk him to town as he was blind. God sent him a helper to teach him about Christ. The damage was not permanent. He still does this kind of thing even today. I am watching it happen with a friend. She is an excellent prayer warrior. I have not seen any better. She is recovering in a hospital. I expect she will recover as God probably has a purpose for her. I was not aware of this in the CoC. Jonah did not want to preach salvation to Ninevah. He tried to run. God blocked him and he was thrown overboard and swallowed by a fish and barfed up near Ninevah. A fish stomach is smelly and dark. He went into a deep sulk after Ninevah was saved. The last chapter is best. Humans are obtuse. Even God's servants can be obtuse at times. Paul worked foe Jesus until he was beheaded around 65-68 CE. Rome burned in 65 CE. Nero blamed Christians and Christians blamed Nero. Nero died in 68 CE. Christians were dipped in oil and
used as used as candles to light his parties.

Even the terminology of the Church of Christ can blind as said above makes a good point. There is much more than just Baptism. There is much more than evangelism. The CoC is not aware of much more. For this reason people are unsure of their salvation because they are stuck at the beginning. Do not pass go and do not collect $200 dollars. Over and over. No cards, no drinking, no dancing, do not forsake the assembly. Is that Christianity? I don't see anything like this today. Yes we have to constantly work to be better. Following the party line does not make you perfect as most are painfully aware.
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